
A Commentary on Proverbs is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Book of Proverbs has long been a favorite of believers. A practical guide for daily living, Proverbs integrates godliness with everyday life. The book deals with man’s relationships with others, both in and away from work, family relationships, economic principles, and civil areas of life. When rightly understood, Proverbs—the most practical of the Wisdom Books—gives the reader guidance in...

often occurs as an antonym of “righteous” (ṣedeq, cf. 1:3). It is sometimes a legal term but more often a general reference to evil thoughts, actions, or words. Further, the “mouth” (ḥikî) of wisdom will “speak [hagâ] truth.” The noun ḥek regularly indicates the “mouth,” the organ of speech. The verb hagâ, “to mutter, meditate, devise,” signifies inward meditation as well as an utterance going forth from the mouth. The verb occurs primarily in poetical contexts to indicate a repetitive sound or
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